For parents.

Important infomation for parents

You care about what your children are playing, and we care that you care. Heck, we love that you care, and we want to make everything as simple as possible to understand. Unfortunately, the law is the law and a lot of that crazy legalese is necessary to make sure we are following all guidelines. As such, our privacy policy and terms of service are the controlling documents we operate under. This Parent’s Guide is to help you understand those documents and answer any questions you might have. Of course, we can’t answer everything here, so if you have any further questions/comments/concerns, please feel free to contact us here:

Our Goals:

To create the most entertaining gaming experience possible – Fun will always come first and foremost with Innova Co. SARL, and we will do our best to make sure our games are challenging, yet exciting.

To not have “surprise” charge or any other questionable behavior – When you spend money with us, we want it to be because you chose to improve your game experience, not because you were tricked or clicked on something you didn’t realize you were agreeing to. Our in-app purchases will always be made as clear as possible. We also strive to make them game enhancing, not game breaking.

To help fix any issues you have as quickly as possible – These kind of guides (the one you’re reading now) are far from “industry standard.” We believe they are crucial to an upfront and honest gaming experience, and we have them so your questions are answered quickly and easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

*How Old Does My Child or I Need to be to Play? *

Our games are only offered to people at least 13 years of age. You can get more information from our privacy policy and terms of service.

It is important to understand that the age recommendations on stores such as Apple’s App Store or Google Play are just classifications on the content of our games. Neither of these change the fact our games are only offered to people at least 13 years old.

I Don’t Want My Child Making In-App Purchases. How Can I Prevent This?

While most of our games are free to play, there is the option for entirely optional “in-app purchases”. We try to make sure these purchases don’t break the game (meaning make things too easy), but instead enhance the game play experience. The price of each purchase varies, but it is important to note these purchases are paid for with real world money.

Important: You can easily manage the ability to make in-app purchases, adjust password protection settings, or disable in-app purchases entirely through your mobile device’s general settings. The way to do this depends on whether you’re using an Apple iOS device, like an iPhone or an iPad, or a Google Android device. Either way, the instructions you need are here:

Apple iOS device in-app settings / Google Android device in-app settings

On Amazon devices you can disable in-app purchases or protect with parental control, here’s how: Amazon device in-app settings

On Windows Phone device you can set wallet pin for in-app purchases, here’s how: Set up a Wallet Pin on Windows Phone device.

Unfortunately Facebook doesn’t have internal parental protection, you should be sure to log out of your Facebook account before allowing child to use your computer.

Do You Have My Credit Card Info?

Nope! Even though in-app purchases are done …well, in our app, we actually never see your payment info. Instead, the transactions happen through Apple’s App Store, Google Play, Microsoft, Amazon or Facebook via your account with them. Receipts for these transactions are emailed to you by these companies after each purchase.

I Want a Refund for an Accidental Purchase My Child Made. How Do I Get One?

While nearly all purchases are final, there is always exceptions. Unfortunately, as with the credit card info discussed above, you will also have to discuss these payments with Apple (for iOs device), Google (for Android devices), Amazon (for Kindle devices), Microsoft (for Windows Phone devices) or Facebook.

Someone Was Rude to My Child Within The Game. How Can I Report Them?

One thing we can’t control is what people choose to say when behind the mask of anonymity. However, we do our best to police our game and make sure it is a fun experience for all players. This means a rigid code of conduct and a level of maturity is expected from all players. If you are old enough to type, you are old enough to be kind, and we do our best to enforce that ideal.

If you would like to report harassing or offensive behavior, please email us at:

Thank you for reading and taking the time to better understand the games your child enjoys!